Monday, October 15, 2012


Hey there!

I just wanted to stop by and let you guys know about my Instagram accounts.

Okay, I'll be the first one to admit, I am addicted to Instagram. Whenever I am on Facebook, I have the urge to double-tap something if I like it *shudders*. Despite that, I still love Instagram and think it is a great app that anyone who likes, well, anything, should have.

I currently have two Instagram accounts: a general one and a fashion based one. My general one is ShellsandSky and my fashion based one is ShellsandSkyOOTD (OOTD stands for Outfit of the Day, although that's rarely what I post on the account).

Please follow them if you are interested in either my life or fashion (or both)! I also tend to follow back, unless I really really really don't like your stuff.

Peace, love and truth from my heart to yours!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More Random Facts :)

This is basically adding on to my Kermit is a Leftie post.

So I looked back on the website I linked to and I just wanted to post a couple more of the weirdly awesome facts here. 
(I've only commented on some of them though... some of them don't need any explanation at all :-D )

1. Beard hair grows at twice its usual rate when you're in a plane.

2. Linda McCartney has sold more vegetarian ready made meals than Paul has sold records.
Time to step it up Paul.

3. The shortest war in history was between England and Zanzibar in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.

4. 65 people become millionaires every day.
Can I be one? Please >-<

5. The average human will eat one pound of insects in their lifetime.
Well that's comforting...

6. You are more likely to be killed by a rogue champagne cork than a poisonous spider.
This is like the one where you are more likely to be killed by a falling coconut than by a shark.

7. By the time a person is 18, they would have spent 12,000 hours in school, but 14,000 hours watching television.

8. Humans share one third of their DNA with lettuce!

9. Charlie Chaplin once came third in a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like competition.
So..... okay. No comment.

10. Every 20 minutes a hapless person treads on a land mine.
More warning signs... maybe.

11. 6,000 new computer viruses are released every month.
And I haven't gotten one yet!

12. Elvis Presley had a twin brother.
Wait, is he a good singer. Is he still alive. Oh my gosh!!!

13. A Roman leap year had the same number of days as ordinary years but January 23rd lasted for 48 hours.

14. Right-handed people live on average, 9 years longer than left-handed people.
Yeah, I doubt it's cause of the dominant hand, just saying.

15. More boys than girls are born during the day, but more girls are born at night.

16. Johnny Vaughan was born at the precise moment that England scored the winning goal in the 1966 World Cup final.

17. Elvis Presley's hip-wiggling started out as a srage fright. He was so nervous, that his legs would shake.
Well there's no need to ruin it... :)

18. John Lennon shoplifted in Holland the harmonica he used on Love Me Do.

19. Pirates wore earrings because they believed it improved their eyesight.
Yeah, but you will always have that eyepatch, so tough luck. 

20. Banging your head against a wall uses a 150 calories an hour.
Why would someone calculate this... just saying.

21. If you mouth the word "colourful" to someone, it looks like you are saying "I love you".
I'm so trying this!

22. The letter combination 'ough' can be pronounced in nine different ways.
How many of you are trying all the ways right now. No lying!

23. Every time you lick a stamp you consume one tenth of a calorie.

24. There is a city called Rome on every continent.
Wonder where the one in Europe is. Wait, does this include Antarctica? 

Wow. That list was a lot longer than I was imagining it would be... 

Hope you enjoyed!

Peace and truth from my heart to yours!


I just found out Kermit the Frog is left handed.

How did I learn this, you may ask.

Actually, I found it thanks to StumbleUpon (best website EVER. You can waste hours on there). Anyways, one site came up, like 25 random facts about humans. It included things like some Greek painter died from laughter after looking at one of his paintings (told ya it's possible) and how 2,500 left handed people die every year using right handed products incorrectly.

So, yeah. One of the last things on the list was that Kermit the Frog is left handed.

How would someone go about finding that out. I mean, did he actually write anything in any of the episodes he was in (I think it was Seseme Street, right. I suck at my children's TV shows...). And why would they make him left handed (no offence to any lefties out there!). Was it easier for the puppeter to make him write if he was left handed (assuming he wrote in any episode). (Wait, I just remembered it's from the Muppets... that was embarassing.... >-<).

More on my awesome finds later.

Peace and truth from my heart to yours!

P.S. Here is the website ----> linkie

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Hey there!

I just wanted to let you guys know that I am offically a member of PETA2 (people for the ethical treatment of animals). I really love being a part of this awesome program. I have already started to do a lot of work to spread the awareness of animal rights and have gone vegan for 8 weeks now.

If any of you want to join, can you please put me as the person who referred you ( I would really appreciate it!

Peace and truth from my heart to yours!

ESP Fake Test Response

Oh my freaking god! Cliff actually responded to that email I sent him. Here's what he said:



How nice of you to write to me about the ESP test! Yes, you were very
perceptive. Here's a letter I send to people who discover the trick or
ask me questions about the test. Browse to this:
You'll learn at the site that this is part of an experiment and that
all the "responses" on the page are real.

Regards, Cliff 


So here's what the letter in the link says:


Thanks for your note. How did you find my web page?

You were perceptive! It's great you discovered the ESP trick. Try it on friends and watch their faces.

What do you like best/worst at my site? Do you have any suggestions on how to make my web site better?

I don't know how many people realize it's a trick, but all the responses are real. I performed this experiment as research for a chapter in my recent book Dreaming the Future.

The book goes into more detail about this "ESP test" and discusses human beliefs in general. In the book, I also discuss an even more interesting study called "The Antinous Prophecies." As I say in my book:
"My goal in conducting this little demonstration was to emphasize how easily we can be fooled and how great our will is to believe in the spiritual, the paranormal, and phenomena beyond science. I hope this simple test reinforces the need for skeptical thinking when evaluating claims of the paranormal."
My guess is that most people see it's a trick after a few tries, but some don't. I don't have statistics that tell me the ratio of the two classes of people. (After all, only a small set in both classes e-mail me.)

I believe the universe has facets we'll never truly understand -- the universe is mysterious -- but at heart I'm skeptical about ESP until we have very conclusive scientific results.

Regards, Cliff


You know, I actually thought he was a crackpot looking to get money, but he's actually pretty smart. I admire the man. :)

Thanks for responding to my email Cliff!

Peace and truth, from my heart to yours!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Oh My Gosh, People

Alright. This post is pretty much just going to be a really long vent. So I don't know how many of you know about ESP, but apparently it's mind reading. Here is a website where someone claims to have made a computer program that can read your mind: Try it out. You think it's so freaky, right. 

Wrong. Here's what's actually going on. Here's a screenshot of the page where you pick a card.

Notice the cards you can select from: King of hearts, Jack of clubs, King of spades, Queen of diamonds, Queen of Clubs, and Jack of diamonds. 
Now look at a screenshot of the page where it claims to have removed the card you picked. 
Let's see what cards are shown. The King of diamonds, the Queen of spades, the Jack of hearts, the King of clubs, and the Queen of hearts. Hmm, let's compare that list to the list of those we originally had to pick from. Wow, the ESP machine removed ALL of them. No matter which card your originally picked, it's gone! How magical.

What really bothers me about this is the fact that there is a whole freaking page of testimonials of people who actually believe this worked ( I mean, it's not that hard to notice. I forwarded this page to about 20 of my friends without telling them it was a hoax and 16 of them got it the first time they saw it. It just really irks me (yes, I just said irks) that someone actually sat down to make a website to trick people. The dude has even published books about changing the past and tarot and idiotic things like that. 

So, being the loud-mouthed person that I am, I had to send this guy an email. Here's what I sent him:

Regarding your online ESP experiment: I do not know how you got all those testimonials about how 'wonderful' your ESP test is, but it does not take a genius to realize that none of the cards are the same. In the first slide, there are the following cards: King of Hearts, Jack of Clubs, King of Spades, Queen of Diamonds, Queen of Clubs, and Jack of Diamonds, in that order. After we are instructed to click an eye, we are lead to a slide with the following cards: Queen of Hearts, King of Clubs, Jack of Hearts, Queen of Spades, and King of Diamonds. As you can see, all of these cards are different than those on the first slide. No matter what card we selected or what eye we picked, we still got the same 'magical result'. 
In short, I would just like to say that you are not fooling anyone with your act. ESP does not exist and you need not make fake testimonials trying to persuade people it does.

Yeah, I kind of freaked on him and said he had fake testimonials and such.

Anyways, I hope you are all feeling great and wonderful! Peace, love, and truth, from my heart to yours.

Update: I will add another blog post if I ever get a response from that guy! Wish me luck!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day on the Town

Just to start... Who came up with the saying 'night on the town'. I mean, we're not actually on the town...

Okay, so here what I did today.

April 17 is my aunt's birthday but since she lives a while away from us, we decided to go out for her b-day today. My aunt is Christian, but she dosent go to church. Instead, she goes to this place called InSpirit. It's this place where they accept all religions and beliefs. The goal is just to unite everyone spiritually.
So yeah, we went to InSpirit with my aunt, cousin and uncle. It was pretty fun, actually.
Then, we went and had brunch at Capistrano, this small old town. We ate inside this old train station that has been renovated into a restaurant. The train still runs though. It came right by the restaurant twice, whistles and all. I got scramble eggs, toast, bacon, sausages, ham, and guava passion juice. It was really good!
Then we went and saw some new model homes. We aren't looking to buy, but my aunt just loves looking at model homes.
Then we went to La Costa resort for desserts. There was a wedding going on in the lobby. It was super pretty. I had a bowl of vanilla ice cream with a giant peanut butter cookie. It was awesome! My uncle ordered a creme brûlée and gave me some. It was tres divine.
Then my cousin and I wandered off to the resort's game room and totally lost a ping pong ball in the foosball machine. We almost died of laughter!
Oh, I almost forgot! My alarm clock goes off to the radio and it was playing 'Call Me Maybe' by Carly Ray somethingorother. Anyways, I was listening to that song before I fell asleep so I thought that was pretty cool. Plus, I love that song.

Bye for now!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

My Top 10 iTouch Apps

Hey again!

My iTouch is a big part of my life. I really spend a lot of time on it. So here's a list of my top 10 favorite apps. It was so hard to pick, but here they are!

10. Fashion City. In this game, you buy and sell clothes in a boutique.

9. iFunny. This app has a lot of really funny pictures, but it can get a bit inappropriate.

8. Smule Magic Piano. I have so many music apps, you have no idea. This one is by far my favorite.

7. Top Girl. Date, be a model, have the largest closet, this game is great for any girly person.

6. Text Free. For those of us who want to communicate, but don't want to pay, text free is awesome. It gives you your own number and unlimited texts.

5. Surviving High School. This game is a super fun role play game where you play someone in high school and go through real life situations.

4. Temple Run. I will never get bored of this app! Running, jumping, ducking, collecting coins, it's all good!

3. Addicting Games. This app is awesome! You get 40 games in one free app. It's super fun. I got rid of about 10 apps after I got this because it's games are very similar to some other apps.

2. Turntable. Another music app. I spend hours spinning songs on Turntable. It's one of the best apps. You should totally get it if you love music.

1.Draw Something. This is my top favorite app. I love OmgPop soo much. I always play games on it on the computer, so I love how they made an app. It's just like their classic game Draw my Thing.

So here are my top 10 apps! Comment telling me which ones you like and your top 10 list.

Happy Friday the 13th!

Hope you had a luck filled Friday the 13th. It was so rainy here in California!

My Other Blogs / Websites

Like most avid bloggers, I have a lot of blogs and websites. Here's a 'directory'.

Shells and Sky (
This blog is for random happenings in my life, nothing special.

Zoomhex (
This is a blog for my volunteer work at the Oak Park library.

Volunteer Journal (
Just a blog for my volunteer work. I love volunteering, so this where I log it all.


Crafts4Love (
This is the website for my still-in-progress charity fund. Through this site I will sell handmade crafts and forward the proceeds to charity.

Artists Garden (
This is my crafts web store. This is where I sell all my crafts and cards ns jewelry and what not.

I hope this directory was helpful!


Welcome to Shells and Sky. This blog is going to be just that, a blog. Nothing special. Nothing specific. Just a blog written by a bored teenager. Hold on for the ride!